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Prepare data

The script is used to process netCDF files in a given folder. It performs three main steps: creating anomalies, calculating ensemble EOFs (Empirical Orthogonal Functions), and obtaining individual PCs (Principal Components). The resulting anomalies, EOFS, and PCs are saved in specific subfolders within the input folder FILEPATH.


To use the script, run the following command in the terminal:



  • CONFIGFILE: The configuration file that provides parameters for creating anomalies.
  • NEOFS: The number of EOFs to calculate.
  • FILEPATH: The path to the folder containing the netCDF files to be processed. The script will process all *.nc files in the folder.


  1. Create Anomalies

    • The script calls the script to create anomalies for each input netCDF file.
    • The configuration file (CONFIGFILE) and the path to the netCDF files (FILEPATH) are provided as arguments.
    • Anomalies are created for each input file matching *.nc, using the specified parameters from the configuration file.
  2. Calculate Ensemble EOFs

    • The script calls the script to calculate ensemble EOFs and eigenvalues.
    • The number of EOFs to calculate is determined by the NEOFS argument.
    • The anomalies created in the previous step are used as input.
  3. Obtain Individual PCs

    • The script calls the script to obtain individual PCs by projecting the anomalies onto the ensemble EOFs.


The resulting data files are saved in the following subfolders:

  • Anomalies: The resulting anomalies are saved in a subfolder named anom within FILEPATH.
  • Ensemble EOFs: The calculated EOFs are saved in a subfolder named anom/pcs within FILEPATH.
  • PCs: The individual PCs are saved in a subfolder named anom/pcs within FILEPATH.


Suppose we want to process netCDF files located in the folder data/files/. We have a configuration file named, and we want to calculate 10 EOFs.

The command to run the script would be:

./ 10 data/files/

The resulting data files are:

  • Anomalies: data/files/anom/anom_*.nc.
  • Ensemble EOFs: data/files/anom/pcs/
  • PCs: data/files/anom/pcs/pcs_*.nc.